As the Tequila Sunrise rose over Malibu, actor Mel Gibson was arrested for driving a Lethal Weapon (a 2006 Lexus LS 430) at twice the speed limit while under the influence of alcohol.
Mel, Bubby... this is not What Women Want. A man your age shouldn't be acting like such a Maverick. You're not Forever Young, Mel. The Signs are all around you -- it's time to grow up. You're lucky you didn't wind up in The River. If you had slammed your car into a tree you would have gone flying through the windshield and wound up The Man Without A Face. And what if you'd killed someone? You would have wound up with a Bounty on your head. In your defence, at least you didn't make a Chicken Run when the police pulled you over. But maybe this is just Payback for your high-and-mighty behaviour these past few years. We don't need the guy who played Mad Max trying to save our souls with religious dogma. Just stick to what you know -- beating people up and Three Stooges impressions.
For any readers who're interested, I've posted a link to Mel's official statement on the arrest, translated from the original Aramaic.
UPDATE: My blog has been around for less than a week and it's already generating a bit of controversy. I knew there was a good reason for doing this!
Click over to the official Big Country website if you want to read the fuss my Mel Gibson post has caused. Click fast, though. Threads that get heated tend to disappear once the moderator reads them.
(D'oh! You're too late! The thread has already been deleted. Frankly, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.)
UPDATE #2:To follow this story and make your own judgments, click on the links below. Just don't believe everything you read. The media reports, the police report, the apology released by Mel's publicist, they all have an agenda and they all have their bias. So does my blog. Read for yourselves and think what you will.
Mel's alleged anti-Semitic and sexist remarks during the arrestHas Mel been stopped for DUI in Malibu before but never arrested? Third time's the harm?
CNN.com: "If there was a cover-up, it wasn't a total cover-up"
The best thing is the picture.
Ergo, this is like a children's book.
Um...slice 'o life. I can't recall Mel ever professing perfection himself.
That aside; welcome to the Dark Side, John.*wink*
I'm with Ryan.
Bless you, and thank you.
He won't go up The River, and though I never Promised You aA Rose Gardon, a Bird On a Wire tells me that Punishment won't isn't in the Conspiracy Theory for this Braveheart.
He seems to think he's smarter than Tim, but he'll see the truth in that Fairytale if he ends up in The Million Dollar Hotel.
(this is too much like work :) )
How bizarre...
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