I suppose that revelation isn't exactly newsworthy, but the fact that senile hillbillies have figured out how to use YouTube is a bit surprising.
If you like your ignorant homophobia with a catchy country beat, then you'll thouroughly enjoy the following video.
I love the simplistic logic that says gay marriage = no reproduction = end of human race. If 10% of the population chooses not to reproduce, the worst that will happen is the massive burden of over-population may be eased somewhat, and maybe some of those nice gay couples can adopt some of the abandoned children produced by careless breeders.
I doubt this old-timer has ever met a gay person, and I'm not convinced he's spent much time on a farm either.
Most animals will screw anything that moves, regardless of gender or species. Growing up, I had a female dog who would hump my leg, which, according to Farmer John here, is not normal. Perhaps he'd be happier if my leg had been humping her.
And if we're using animals as the benchmark for what's normal, doesn't that make religion abnormal? Ray Lewis argues that he's never seen two roosters walking arm in arm, but I've never seen a rooster praying either.
And if you're in the mood to read Mr. Normal's lengthy, rambling manifesto, just head on over to the Lewis And Lewis website, y'all, and read up on Ray's Rantings, and listen to Missing In Action, both of which can easily be interpreted as a call to arms in a Holy War. But who Christians should be fighting is a bit unclear because, in addition to gays, Ray rants against illegal immigrants, China, the liberal media, Iran, apathetic Christians, Leprechauns, and just about everyone except him and the missus. Here's just a sample:
This is our country. It was built on a Godly foundation .The freedoms we’ve enjoyed have come at a tremendous price. From our founding fathers who pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, to our sons and daughters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. Blood has been the currency that has bought our liberty. It would be criminal, for those of us who still believe in the foundational principals of this great nation not to stand against those who would destroy our morality, our laws and our sacred heritage.
There's also lots of comments on "Come On Down To The Farm", many positive, and some negative, and in defense of the Lewises, they haven't removed those comments. Or perhaps they just haven't figured out the delete function yet.
And in related news, why does my Vancouver neighbourhood smell like manure today? There's a stiff wind blowing, but I doubt it carried that powerful stink all the way from Abbotsford.
I moved to the big city to escape that horrible stench, and to get away from people like Lewis And Lewis, so today was a series of unwelcome flashbacks for me.
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