Second worst neighbour in the world: anyone with a stereo system like this.
Worst neighbour in the world: someone with a stereo like this who loves Barry Manilow
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
John McCrae
Where The Rose Is Sown
We're at war All the papers say
We will win I read today
We are strong It wasn't us
We are right Who started this
Leave your work I just left school
Leave your home I am no fool
Take up arms It left me strong
Sound alarms The school bell rings
Sons of men who stand like gods
We give life to feed the cause
And run to ground our heathen foe
Our name will never die
This time will be forever
Join up here I wave good-bye
We need you Oh my breast sighs
Have no fear Now I must try
God will be With braver men
Take the vow I know it's right
Praise the flag The good fight
We're at war I'm on my way
We will win Why do I pray
Sons of men who stand like gods
We give life to feed the cause
And run to ground our heathen foe
Our name will never die
This time will be forever
I wait here in this hole
Playing poker with my soul
I hold the rifle close to me
It lights the way to keep me free
If I die in a combat zone
Box me up and ship me home
If I die and still come home
Lay me where the rose is sown
Sons of men who stand like gods
We give life to feed the cause
And run to ground our heathen foe
Our name will never die
This time will be forever
Stuart Adamson
"Whistler's Mother? She was a demon in the sack."
"What's so special about this 'abstract art' crap. Every damn picture looks like a cataract."
Kurt knew that Grampa was forever lost to senility after he spent twenty minutes asking Gainsborough's The Blue Boy to pull his finger.
Now if I could get back to Mel Gibson for a minute, I find it unfortunate that the media is choosing to focus on Mel’s alleged anti-Semitic remarks. As vile as racism is, it’s not a crime. Drunk driving is. It’s a very serious crime, and the focus on the alleged statements downplays the gravity of the crime that we know was committed. If what he supposedly said turns out to be true, he should be tried in the court of public opinion, but he should also carry the stigma of being a drunk driver every where he goes."Devil In The Eye"
(Stuart Adamson/Ray Davies)
Take a little care
When you put your lips
To her long cool neck
One kiss will be too much
A hundred not enough
Treat her with respect
If I could tell this to you
Would you believe it was true
You might just laugh I expect
And say you feel sophisticated
Confident and ready for the next
Has no time for modesty
Doesn't care for honesty
Deals in broken promises
Will spell you with her lies
Has no time for modesty
Doesn't care for honesty
Deals in broken promises
Will look the devil in the eye
You'll be the class fool
A perfect asshole
You'll be the guy in control
And make decisions
Based on derision
And wake up deep in a hole
Wishing the ground would
Open beneath you
Enough to swallow you whole
So you don't have to face the wreckage
You left scattered from the night before
Has no time for modesty
Doesn't care for honesty
Deals in broken promises
Will spell you with her lies
Has no time for modesty
Doesn't care for honesty
Deals in broken promises
Will look the devil in the eye
You will be dazzled by
The pictures she will paint
Colours she will bring
And feel so safe and warm
Far away from harm
Wrapped up in her wings
And slowly drift through the day
Letting it all slip away
Without a care in the world
And wake up in a cold sweat
Screaming for her touch to ease your troubled soul
Has no time for modesty
Doesn't care for honesty
Deals in broken promises
Will spell you with her lies
Has no time for modesty
Doesn't care for honesty
Deals in broken promises
Will look the devil in the eye
Will look the devil in the eye
As the Tequila Sunrise rose over Malibu, actor Mel Gibson was arrested for driving a Lethal Weapon (a 2006 Lexus LS 430) at twice the speed limit while under the influence of alcohol.
Mel, Bubby... this is not What Women Want. A man your age shouldn't be acting like such a Maverick. You're not Forever Young, Mel. The Signs are all around you -- it's time to grow up. You're lucky you didn't wind up in The River. If you had slammed your car into a tree you would have gone flying through the windshield and wound up The Man Without A Face. And what if you'd killed someone? You would have wound up with a Bounty on your head. In your defence, at least you didn't make a Chicken Run when the police pulled you over. But maybe this is just Payback for your high-and-mighty behaviour these past few years. We don't need the guy who played Mad Max trying to save our souls with religious dogma. Just stick to what you know -- beating people up and Three Stooges impressions.
For any readers who're interested, I've posted a link to Mel's official statement on the arrest, translated from the original Aramaic.
UPDATE: My blog has been around for less than a week and it's already generating a bit of controversy. I knew there was a good reason for doing this!
Click over to the official Big Country website if you want to read the fuss my Mel Gibson post has caused. Click fast, though. Threads that get heated tend to disappear once the moderator reads them.
(D'oh! You're too late! The thread has already been deleted. Frankly, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.)
UPDATE #2:To follow this story and make your own judgments, click on the links below. Just don't believe everything you read. The media reports, the police report, the apology released by Mel's publicist, they all have an agenda and they all have their bias. So does my blog. Read for yourselves and think what you will.
Mel's alleged anti-Semitic and sexist remarks during the arrest