Back in the stone age, I used a primitive audio-visual device known as a VCR to record television shows and movies that had been broadcast into my home via cable. Little did I know that this was just the beginning of a life of crime.
That big box of VHS tapes is now collecting dust in my closet alongside an old VCR that probably doesn't work any more, but the mere possession of those tapes makes me a criminal according to this laughable, convoluted, and unnecessary new legislation.
Also, that picture I posted of one of our American Overlords alongside our puppet prime minister is most definitely a violation of someone's copyright. Oh, the humanity!
If you're a Canadian who cares about your rights in the digital age, and if you don't want to see an entire generation of young Canadians being sued by corporate giants for posting videos on YouTube, then you should educate yourself on the implications of the Canadian Copyright Reform that's currently taking place.
Read the official government spin on the new bill here, then read an opposing viewpoint from Michael Geist by clicking here.
Write your MP before it's too late and ask him or her why the government is wasting your money on this nonsense when they should be improving health care, saving the environment, creating jobs, fixing that mess in Afghanistan...
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