
Who Watches The Watchmen Trailer? You, That's Who!

I've been in a comic book frame of mind lately, what with all the superhero movies hitting theatres this summer.

Hot on the heels of The Dark Knight's debut comes the trailer for next year's most highly anticipated comic book - I'm sorry, graphic novel adaptation, The Watchmen.

You can watch the trailer here.

My first impression is that Dr. Manhattan looks great, but the Nite Owl looks far too young, muscular, and slick. The paunchy, bookish Dan Dreiberg from the original seems to have been sexed up for the Hollywood version, and that doesn't bode well for the movie.

Not that I ever had any real hope for this project. Not after 300, which had all the subtlety and intelligence of professional wrestling. There's no doubt that Zack Snyder has a visual flair, although he tends to overdo it if you ask me, but it's his story sense and ability to work with actors that I found so appalling in 300.

A great movie could be made based on The Watchmen, but I doubt Zack Snyder's the guy to make it.

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