
Welcome Dynamic Range Radio Listeners

If you were expecting to see the page for Dynamic Range Radio but wound up here instead, that's because I'm in the process of changing web hosts, and until I get everything sorted out I'm taking all requests for and forwarding them here.

This site is my personal blog which I use very sporadically since running Dynamic Range Radio is a full-time job and then some, so I have very little time left over for things like blogging. Most of the stuff on this site was written before I dove head-first into the world of internet radio, so the jokes are old to me but they may be new to you. Feel free to poke around a bit. At least you can still see the last five songs played thanks to the Last.FM widget in the sidebar.

Once the regular site is up and running, I'll make sure the domain name forwards people to the proper page and post a notice here.

UPDATE: All the kinks seem to have been sorted out, so the Dynamic Range Radio website is accessible to all.